Rāmuļu pamatskola
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Info. for parents
Dārza svētki - pēdējā skolas diena
Skolas pēdējā diena - svinīgs un laimīgs pasākums. Prieks, ka skola beigusies un mūs gaida vasara, vasariņa! Vienmēr tiek atzinīgi vērtēti tie skolēni, kas aizstāvējuši skolas godu un slavinājuši skolu, protams, netiek aizmirsti arī tie skolēni, kuru gada vidējais rezultāts ir 7 balles un vairāk. Skolā ir iedibināta tradīcija, ka tam, kuram vidējais rezultāts ir 8 balles un augstāk, tam tiek pasniegta sudraba liecība. Šogad mums tādi skolēni ir divi: Matīss...
Pateicība par piedalīšanos konkursā
1.septembrī 3.klases skolēni - Marta Anete Ņevečorova, Samanta Vasiļjeva, Markuss Luņins, Everts Sukurs no Latvijas Ornitoloģijas biedrības (LOB) un "Cemex" saņēma pateicību par aktīvu piedalīšanos konkursā "Iepazīsti putnu pasauli".
Dejotāji Vaives svētkos
Vasaras nogalē skolas dejotāji uzsāka jauno sezonu. 12. augustā deju kolektīva "Madara" 5. un 6.klases zēni piedalījās III Vaives pagasta svētkos "Vaive m- Urrā!". Paldies dejotājiem - Robertam, Rodrigo, Sandim, Jānim, Aivaram, Mārtiņam un viņu vecākiem! Paldies Janas Eglītes mammai Sandrai par atbalstu!
Christmas concert in Ramuli
In 21th of December parents and our friends had a chance to watch our Christmas concert.
Winter carneval - Metenis
On February Ramuli school celebrated the Metenis day doing traditional sledging from a hill. Younger students and children from kindergarten sang Metenis songs and ate pig's ear. There were two sledging competitions - the fastest and the longest. Participant costumes where also valued.
ABC book festival 2012 in Ramuli
On 31st of January grade 1 celebrated ABC book festivity. They showed their ABC books and at Clever Owl tested their reading and writing skills. Students from grade 1 sang, danced and played together with children from kindergarten and with students from grade 2 to 4. At the end of festival they said good bye to ABC book. Students got diplomas and certificates, which grants access to school's library, reading room and computer room, because now they have the...
The most active book readers!
On the 12th of January 2012 the most active readers from Ramuli school were honored in the Cesis central library childrens section. One child had read 160 books from September until December. Readers had a chance to meet the zookeeper Velga Vītola and to participate in the opening festival of her new book "Ūdrītis Ķūķis". Children listened with interest in Velgas Vītolas story and looked at the pictures of her adopted animals: an otter, an elk, ect.
Harvest festival - Miķeļdiena
There was a Harvest festival in Rāmuļu primary school the end of September where children made interesting and funny characters from fairy tales. They told and sang folk songs about harvest and vegetables. In the festival students met Miķelis himself! Afterwards they sang, danced and had sport activities.
Comenius competition in Rāmuļi
In 2nd of March there was a Comenius competition about our Comenius partner countries. Each class team had prepared a presentation about a raffled country. Students had prepared a trip to their country, songs, dances, spoke in Portuguse, Spainish, Polish, Slovenian and Dutch languanges and said more interesting things about all countries. One class had prepared a theater about one Polish traditional story. After presentations studens had to answer about each countries...
Rāmuļu skola, Rāmuļi, Cēsu novads, tel. 64129511, e-mail ramulu_skola@inbox.lv